6 Things To Toss Out This Spring & A Few More You Might Want To Consider

Spring is the traditional season to toss out old things that donā€™t serve you and take up valuable space in your household. Here are 4 things youā€™ll want to get rid of, a few more you should consider ditching.


Clothes & Shoes

Most people have at least a few pieces of clothing and a few pairs of shoes they just donā€™t wear. Perhaps you bought them on sale and donā€™t like them, maybe youā€™re hanging onto them to wear ā€œsomedayā€, or they might not suit your current tastes.

If you havenā€™t worn a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes in a year, you probably arenā€™t going to. Toss them in a bag and take them to your local thrift store or homeless shelter. Shelters particularly like to receive warm sweaters, socks, and coats.


Old Documents & Receipts

If your desk, your filing cabinet, or closets brims with flyers, old documents, magazines, and receipts you havenā€™t bothered to sort through, nowā€™s the time.

Dedicate a few hours to the process and then sort all your paper items into three piles. Use one for filing, one for recycling, and one for shredding. Donā€™t throw papers with personal information into the recycling, because itā€™s bait for identity thieves.


Empty The Junk Drawer

You might have useful things in your junk drawer, but itā€™s hard to know since it is so cluttered. Toss out useless items, recycle what you can, and organize the drawer so you can actually find things.


Expired Food

Did you buy items, never got around to using them, and now theyā€™ve been there forever? What about your cupboards or pantry? Has that box of crackers sat there since the dawn of time?

Go through your fridge and cupboards, get rid of bad or stale food, and check expiry dates. You might discover you have far more space than you thought!


Broken Toys

Kids are very hard on their toys and when they break them they lose interest. They can also become a hazard.

Sort through your childrenā€™s toys and toss out damaged items. Anything they donā€™t play with anymore can go to the thrift store so another child can spend hours playing with them.


Unmatched Tupperware

You fill a container with leftovers or pack a lunch and then scramble to find a lid, only to find there isnā€™t one. Now you have a dirty container you need to wash and recycle.

Why not sort through your containers, match them with lids, and then store everything in one large bin? Just whip it out and itā€™s all there in one tidy spot. Recycle the oddballs and free up space.


Old Bed Sheets

Have you been meaning to update your bedroom or are you sleeping on frayed, worn, or stained new bed sheets? Springā€™s the ideal time to give your bedroom an inexpensive refresh so you can sleep on good bed sheets again.

If youā€™ve put off buying new ones, because you think theyā€™re expensive - think again. All these sheets are under $25, and some are half that. They come in countless colors, styles, and sizes, so thereā€™s simply no excuse. Toss out the old, and in with the new.


Tacky Duvet Cover

The same goes for your duvet cover. If it has stains, frayed edges, or itā€™s just plain ugly you can buy a new duvet cover for between $25 and $50. Toss out the old one or send it to charity and switch to new bedding. Youā€™ll create an entirely new look and youā€™ll sleep better for it!